Stress & Resilience Program
People have an immense capacity to draw on their own personal resources at demanding times of stress and challenge.
Our physical, intellectual and emotional abilities enables us to be resilient and to take stapes when we can change the circumstances that are within our control to change.
Stress isn’t necessarily a source of pathology – there’s a time when we need to take care of ourselves and a time when we need to meet the challenge – fully and squarely.
At AHR our Stress and Resilience supports are designed to develop and strengthen people’s own capacities and resources to manage the stress in their own lives.
Benefits to your Organisation
For Individuals
An Individualised wellbeing programme for colleagues reporting with stress in the workplace.
Working with an experienced Psychologist or Counsellor the individual explores the issues which are giving rise to stress in addition to developing and improving their psychological and behavioural skills in managing their own wellbeing.
In instances where it is appropriate for the workplace to be involved the programme incorporates appropriate liaison, within the boundaries of confidentiality, with Line Managers, HR, and Occupational Health.
For Teams
It can oftentimes be more useful to explore the issue of stress at a team rather than an individual level.
This is because stress isn’t just an individualised experience. We are all aware of how our own experiences of stress impacts on our relationships with others, and we know what it’s like to be at the receiving end of someone else’s high stress levels.
By exploring the issue of stress at a team level it is possible to generate results that have a greater impact for the work group.
This facilitated process looks to how the team may be working in a way that produces stress, and how that stress may be impacting on effective team performance.
For Organisations
One of the problems with the current approaches to stress in the workplace is the fact that it places primary responsibility for stress management on the individual while ignoring the role that the workplace itself plays in a creating an environment that produces stress.
For organisations that wish to take a quantitative approach to addressing the issue, we can profile and audit your organisation’s health across departments, giving an objective assessment and benchmarked scores.
Those organisations wishing to engage in a meaningful conversation with their colleagues, we can develop a qualitative approach. This produces a deeper understanding of the issues presenting and enables meaningful solutions be identified.
How the Service Works
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Want to find out more about this service?
Please contact EAP to discuss this service further with one of our experts and to hear about how we can assist in supporting the psychological health and wellbeing of your employees.
A Truly Excellent Service
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